Maybe not Social Media?

I got my first price estimate last week from a social media firm. A lot of money for what seems to be very little. $650 a month for a few drops in the bucket, a few drops into the worldwide ocean on information that surrounds us.

I got some good news as well from the same company. Instead of the full year of effort and payouts which I had imagined, they said making an impact might take only six months. Well, okay.

But a good friend cautioned me about social media. “I don’t think it’s going to help you,” he said. The company I talked to bragged about the low cost of their efforts. They couldn’t tell me that social media would help to sell books. My books. “And they can’t guarantee that,” my friend explained.

I’m not looking for guarantees. But I do need assurances before I continue down the SM trail. He said, go back to doing what you do best: lecturing in front of audiences. They like you. You’re good at it. Keep doing it. Only now, do it for book clubs instead of libraries, and do it on Zoom.

I really don’t like Zoom, or the idea of learning all that it takes to run a meeting. But at this point, with few other good ideas, it doesn’t much matter what I like or don’t like. My friend might have the right idea. We’ll see.