Social Media Fantasy
I can see a group of young college students, all women, working together to make me famous. Working to figure out how to sell Jeff Heller or his new main character, Jacey, to a world full of waiting readers.
I have not lost my mind, at least not yet. This scenario was explained to me yesterday by a friend. Since I have no idea how to use social media, why not start asking local university professors who teach social media if some of the students might want to take me on as a class project, for money and for class credit. Why not ask?
I certainly need the help. I’m talking with a PR agency now about paying them to perform social media services for me, but I don’t know enough about the field to know if the “strategy” they come up with me for is a sound one that will produce results. I worry that they might take a cookie-cutter approach to an obvious newcomer like me.
So I’m open to all possibilities. But one thing I know: my latest novel, THE BEEHIVE, should be out by spring of 2022. Now is the time to start planning my social media. I can’t get my name out there through my usual approaches (library lectures), and I can’t possibly hope to do it alone.